Welcome to Pacific NW Pest Control
With over 13 years of experience in solving customer’s pest issues, we strive to be the best in solving your pest problems while offering the highest quality of customer service.
I have a personal connection to pest control. One month after I moved in, the roof of my first house was found to have heavy damage due to carpenter ants. This damage by carpenter ants was not found in a home inspection the month prior to purchasing. I called out a pest control company to handle the situation. I was completely relieved yet bewildered. So thankful to have the problem solved, but I realized that this costly repair could have been prevented with regular pest control service.
From that point on, I pursued a career in pest control. I was determined to educate customers and offer prevention from future costly damage from pests. I started in the company as a technician, then moved up and served over the customer service department and eventually became the Director of Operations. Over the years, I have never forgotten that first encounter with Carpenter Ants. I have come across severe damage due to pests, and I pride myself in bringing peace to the customers while repairing the pest damage and preventing further infestation.
After understanding the entire workings of the pest control industry, and the customer’s needs and desires in a pest control company, I decided to launch out on my own. I offer you exceptional customer service while solving your pest problems.
Roland Valdes
Owner, Pacific NW Pest Control

Serving Portland & Vancouver With Fast & Affordable Pest Control.