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Serving Portland & Vancouver With Fast & Affordable Pest Control.

About Pacific NW Pest Control
Pacific NW Pest control is your natural solution to pest control!
We specialize in effective IPM (Integrated Pest Management) Programs for homeowners and businesses in the Portland metro and Vancouver area. IPM is the process of using the least toxic methods and products to solve your pest problem.
To ensure an effective treatment Pacific NW Pest Control will offer solutions to the pest problem by 1) making you aware of conducive conditions and 2) any access point that the pest is utilizing to enter your structure.
We recommend specific treatment to specific areas with pest control products that are safe for you, your pets and the environment. Pacific NW Pest Control prefers to find the problem and solve the problem with Integrated Pest Management instead of just spraying everything with pesticides.
We take the time to get to know you and quickly and safely eliminate your pests from your home, apartment, office, and other structures for your protection while maintaining the structural integrity of the building. Our specialty services are Ants, Rodents, Spiders and more.